Workshops & Showcases
You can find the Workshop and Showcase schedule HERE.
Basic Weaving Techniques
Beth Ann Edwards – US
Tuesday, August 2: 11:50 am – 12:50 pm
Learn or review weaving techniques for those times when you are assigned more than two bells. You will be shown how to determine the best weaving method for each situation and how to mark your scores effectively. This workshop includes practice time for weaving with handbells as the ringer learns to handle key changes and accidentals.
The BASSics
Nick Hanson – US
Wednesday, August 3: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Ringing on the low bass handbells (2s and 3s) requires very specific approaches in regards to physical health, proper ringing technique, the execution of other techniques, and assignments and setups. Being a foundational course, this class will focus primarily on the absolute beginning of bass handbell ringing, up to and including assignment ideas for level 1 and 2 handbell music. Mallets are required – bring your own!
Bell Trees – An Overview
Barbara Brocker – US
Tuesday, August 2: 11:50 am – 12:50 pm
This class with begin with a 20-minute video presentation of the overview of bell trees as they have been performed in a multitude of ways. It will be followed by looking at music and listening to recordings (and videos) of the future direction of bell trees.
Bell Trees – Build and Play
Barbara Brocker – US
Wednesday, August 3: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Friday, August 5: 11:45 am – 12:45 pm
In small groups around a bell tree stand, you’ll build a bell tree and play it! Groupings are: (1) Bell Trees In the Beginning (for those who have never played a bell tree), (2) Bell Tree with Bell Choir Music (for those who have played a bell tree and want to experience the new bell-tree-with-bell-choir music), (3) Playing with 4 mallets (learn how to hold them and play part of a piece).
Bountiful Battery
Debbie Rice – US
Thursday, August 4: 12:15 pm – 1:15 pm
Making music from the middle requires changing bells with efficiency, weaving multiple bells, highlighting melodies under the treble, functioning as harmony and melody within the same measure or phrase, building dynamic accompaniment and resolving dissonance. This session will explore the musical power the bountiful battery can provide.
Canadian Folk Songs
Patsy Andrews-Vert – Canada
Thursday, August 4: 12:15 pm – 1:15 pm
This workshop will allow participants to sight read a new collection of Canadian Folk Songs arranged for handbells/handchimes by Canadian arranger and composer, Craig Cassails. This collection was published in the Fall of 2021 and features Level 2-3, 3 octave arrangements of Canadian Folk song from all over Canada. Come on a journey to Canada, complete with pictures, maps, and music!
Cantonese 101
Bellaholics – Hong Kong
Friday, August 5: 11:45 am – 12:45 pm
Cantonese seem so difficult and complicated to you? Learn some everyday phrases that you can use when you meet a Cantonese speaker or when you visit Hong Kong! There are over 80 million native Cantonese speakers worldwide, so you will always be able to use it!
Conducting as a Facilitator
William Payn – US
Wednesday, August 3: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Dr. Payn has been teaching HMA Masterclasses for nearly two decades. His discussion for this class will include hands-on work with volunteers from the class. The class focus will center around gesture and the role that appropriate, clear conducting plays – allowing the ringers to produce a musical and expressive sound. This is not a ‘beginning techniques’ class. The assumption will be that participants have knowledge of basic conducting skills and are looking for unique ways to ‘facilitate’ musical performances. Payn will ask for 12-14 experienced ringers, from those attending, as ‘observers’. Music for the class will center around Jason Krug’s arrangement of Massenet’s “Meditation from Thais” (scores will be provided).
Creative Use of Handchimes
Kendall Ladd – US
Saturday, August 6: 9:00 am – 10:00 am
Interested in learning more about chime techniques? This class is for you! This class will cover techniques that can be used for both handbells and handchimes, techniques specific to handchimes, and a newer technique that has only been used a few times before! In addition, we will use music written for handbells that can also be applicable for handchimes.
Experience Iceland
Karen Sturlaugsson – Iceland
Thursday, August 4: 12:15 pm – 1:15 pm
Ever wonder what Iceland is like? Come learn about a country of contrasts: The Land of Fire and Ice. An introduction to the history and culture of Iceland.
Experience Singapore
Damien Lim – Singapore
Friday, August 5: 11:45 am – 12:45 pm
Singapore, City-State-Country. Passion made possible. 42 km east to west, 34 km north-south – an island packed with 5.5 million people. A melting pot of cultures, races, cuisines and religions. Experience the people, the cultures, the music, the food, its sights and sounds, and of course, its handbells, in this Experience Singapore presentation. With a future symposium coming to Singapore hopefully in the not-too-far-future, this session will showcase our little red dot island through slides, videos and oral descriptions. Musical instruments not required.
A Fresh Approach to Performing with Rhythmic Integrity
Greig Ashurst – US
Friday, August 5: 11:45 am – 12:45 pm
Saturday, August 6: 9:00 am – 10:00 am
A good handbell ensemble becomes a great handbell ensemble when the intangibles of music start to come alive. The most fundamental element in a superior handbell performance is having great rhythm. The class will offer a fresh approach to learning, understanding, and performing rhythms well.
Groove the Bellz with the Cajón
Damien Lim – Singapore
Thursday, August 4: 12:15 pm – 1:15 pm
You’ve heard it on the streets, in the subway stations, on stage, even with handbells. But HOW DO WE EXACTLY USE IT to its potential, without sounding like a “soloist”. This workshop allows us to learn the fundamentals of playing on the CAJÓN (box-drum) and how to be an effective team player in a handbell ensemble. Hear it straight from a trained-percussionist.
Handbell Teacher’s Toolkit
Greig Ashurst – US
Tuesday, August 2: 11:50 am – 12:50 pm
You may or may not be an educator, but you definitely know one. Many times, you are your own teacher. This class is for you. Every conductor/educator needs resources, methods, and materials to meet the individual challenges of their musicians. During this hands-on clinic, attendees will explore ways to engage musicians with meaningful activities to develop their technique, knowledge, and musicianship. While the class has a strong component geared toward building handbells programs in schools, it is applicable to any musicians with a desire to develop a stronger handbell ensemble.
Hong Kong Mahjong
Bellaholics – Hong Kong
Saturday, August 6: 9:00 am – 10:00 am
As rated as the cultural heritage of China, you will learn how to play Mahjong in Guangdong style in this workshop! Come and have fun during the break between rehearsals!
Inside Mosaic – A Deeper Look
Betty Radford & Lisa Kyriakides – Canada
Wednesday August 3, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Discover the meaning and context of the Canadian songs included in Mosaic. Join composer Betty Radford and conductor Lisa Kyriakides as they explore the lyrics and sounds of these folk songs, representing different cultures and regions of Canada, including Franophone and indigenous music.
Let’s Paint Some Bells
Bruna Marinho – Brazil
Thursday, August 4: 12:15 pm – 1:15 pm
“Out of many, one” Whether you drip, dot or daub, there is a marvelous world of bell art waiting to be explored. Join us to make some DIY bell art pieces to reflect the different cultures of the people united by bells. Let’s paint, ringers! Art supplies will be provided.
Malmark Maintenance
Robert Lamb – Malmark – US
Wednesday, August 3: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
This class will review the innovative design of Malmark handbells and Choirchime® Instruments. Procedures for handle replacement, clapper adjustment, and hand polishing will be demonstrated. Recommendations will be given for establishing a routine maintenance schedule and identifying when refurbishment may be required.
Needle Knot Making
Mrs. Hey Jin Chang – Korea
Friday, August 5: 11:45 am – 12:45 pm
Saturday, August 6: 9:00 am – 10:00 am
Learn to make various things with knots, such as necklaces, bracelets, etc.
Object Lessons
Stevie Berryman – US
Tuesday, August 2: 11:50 am – 12:50 pm
With some imagination, ordinary objects can become excellent tools for teaching key concepts of bell-ringing theory and technique like stroke, grip, posture, and weaving. Come ready to play, and you’ll learn how to bounce, catch, and juggle your way into advanced ringing skills! Participation and movement are encouraged in this high-energy, high-rewards class featuring some of Stevie’s favorite games chosen from years of teaching handbells with a unique, play-based method.
Plink Plank Plunk
Damien Lim – Singapore
Wednesday, August 3: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Do you struggle when using the mallets? Handbell Ringing is a “percussive art form.” Explore handbell ringing with a professional percussionist to create music with sensitive dynamics, phrasing and proper/alternative malleting technique. Recommended for all ringers and rhythm loving people. PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN MALLETS.
Ringing from Number Notations
Martin Winter – Great Britain
Tuesday, August 2: 11:50 am – 12:50 pm
In the UK, a variety of ways of writing handbell music developed, including many different number notations. These notations are just a different form of musical code. In this workshop, we will explore some of the different number notations through hands-on ringing of a range of traditional and modern pieces.
Schulmerich Maintenance
Bethan Neely – Schulmerich – US
Tuesday, August 2: 11:50 am – 12:50 pm
This hands-on class will give you the skills and resources to disassemble, reassemble, and adjust your Schulmerich bells with confidence! We will review basic repair and maintenance, as well as provide resources for troubleshooting more stubborn problems.
Small Ensemble Ringing
Mrs. Mi Hyun Kim – Korea
Saturday, August 6: 9:00 am – 10:00 am
In this workshop, you will learn techniques for playing small ensembles including duets, trios and quartets.
Symposium Choir
Alex Guebert – US
Tuesday-Saturday, August 2-6: During all Workshop times except Tuesday lunch
The Technique of Off-Table Ringing
Sandra Winter – Great Britain
Friday, August 5: 11:45 am – 12:45 pm
This workshop is a practical opportunity to learn the traditional “off-table” English ringing technique. See how damping, weaving, passing and other techniques are used with this method of “backringing.”
Treble Techniques (C6 & Above)
Beth Ann Edwards – US
Thursday, August 4: 12:15 pm – 1:15 pm
Participants will learn or review basic techniques for sustained sound, stopped sound, and aural color in treble bell ringing. They will practice a variety of 4-in-hand techniques and listening techniques for ringing successful melody and supporting voicing lines. A system of score marking for treble ringing will be introduced.
Your Ideas for Future Symposia
Tim Willetts – International Handbell Committee
Saturday, August 6: 9:00 am – 10:00 am
This will be a discussion about the format and content of Symposia into the future and will inform planning of future events. Whether this is your first International Handbell Symposium, or, whether you have attended for thirty years, your thoughts and ideas are welcomed. What do you like? How might they be organized in the future? These are already wonderful events, but how can we make them even better?
AGEHR E-Notes Showcase 2022
Brian Childers – AGEHR Publishing
Thursday, August 4: 12:15 pm – 1:15 pm
Ring and hear all the titles you’ve explored in E-Notes this year! Come hear some of the best music from AGEHR.
Bells of Whitechapel
Kathryn Hughes, Sandra Winter – Bells of Whitechapel
Tuesday, August 2: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
This showcases Whitechapel bells, their uses and maintenance.
Doubling Down with Choirchime® Instruments
Kathy Ebling Shaw – Malmark Bellcraftsmen
Monday, August 1: 1:45 pm – 3:00 pm
If you own or hope to own an extended range of Choirchimes, this class is for you! Ensure the life of your instruments by learning more about the science behind their design and use. This session will demonstrate the proper way to ring low chimes as well as incorporate them into a score. Composers are encouraged to attend to learn more about writing for these instruments.
Grassy Meadow Music Showcase
Jason Krug – Grassy Meadow Music
Tuesday, August 2: 11:50 am – 12:50 am
Grassy Meadow Music is pleased to present a selection of music for ensembles of all sizes, from 8 bells up to 5 or more octaves. Come ring through some of our newest releases and top-selling titles!
Jeffers Handbell Supply
Ron Mallory – Jeffers
Monday, August 1: 11:30 am – 12:45 pm
A showcase of the newest releases from Jeffers Handbell Supply.
Let’s Play Cards!
Paul Berryman, Stevie Berryman – Truly Horrible Things
Monday, August 1: 10:00 am – 11:15 am
Come play Crimes Against Handbells and other hilariously awful card games from Truly Horrible Things! Plus check out our new products like the Wheel of Musical Mischief and new stickers!
Reading with CIR
Jefferey Hall, Nolan Roth – Catholic Instrumental Resources
Monday, August 1: 10:00 am – 11:15 am
CIR is a NEW Christian music publisher based in Nashville TN. We will read through new handbell pieces composed by veteran composers Julie Turner and Jefferey A. Hall, as well as new composer Nolan Roth. We will also demonstrate a few additional music offerings from CIR.
Ringing in the Emerald Isle: 2023 International Handbell Festival
Keith Cole, Debbie Rice – Witte Travel & Tours
Monday, August 1: 11:30 am – 12:45 pm
Join Debbie Rice and Keith Cole to learn all about the upcoming 2023 International Handbell Festival Tour in Ireland! We’ll share some preliminary information about itinerary highlights and talk about the experience you can expect to have on tour. This exciting travel opportunity will be open to ringers and non-ringers alike, so all handbell enthusiasts are welcome to attend!
The Many Sounds of Schulmerich
Greig Ashurst, Bethan Neely – Schulmerich
Monday, August 1: 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm
This showcase will explore the unique sound capabilities of Schulmerich handbells, MelodyChimes®, and Silver Melody Bells™. We will look at examples of how to effectively utilize each instrument, as well as articulation and mallet options to achieve different sound colors for a variety of musical styles.
There’s Always Hope
Brenda Austin – Hope Publishing
Wednesday, August 3: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Handbell Editor Brenda Austin will lead us through some of the new music from Hope Publishing.
You can find the Workshop and Showcase schedule HERE.