Massed Ringing Preparation

Massed Ringing Repertoire
All attendees will need to have purchased and familiarized themselves with the massed ringing repertoire listed below. The majority of the event will be spent on the massed ringing floor rehearsing this music, but attendees should arrive already familiar with the music. All pieces with the exception of Island Song can be purchased from the publisher listed, or through your favorite handbell music distributor. Island Song is only available for purchase directly from Seibunsha International using the email address below. Email with your name, shipping information, and how many copies you need and they will reply back with a payment link.
Handbell Musicians of America – Conductors: Ms. Stephanie Rhoades, Dr. William Payn
Rays of Hope by Sandra Eithun
Choristers Guild
Prisms by William Payn
Peal Publishing (5-7 octave Version)
Handbell Musicians of Canada – Conductor: Lisa Kyriakides
Mosaic: Folk Songs of Canada arr. Betty B. Radford
From the Top Music
Handbell Ringers of Japan – Conductor: Ms. Yasuko Okada
Island Song arr. by Kazuko Okamoto
Seibunsha International (email to purchase)
Handbell Ringers of Singapore – Conductor: Mr. Damien Lim
Friend of Mine by Can Kim Wo & Kiroaki Serizawa, arr. by Damien Lim
Jeffers Handbell Supply
Handbell Ringers of Great Britain – Conductor: Mr. Robin Benton
Celebration for Bells by Robin Benton
From the Top Music
Handbell Society of Australasia – Conductor: Ms. Alison O’Connell
Hope for Reconciliation by Lee Afdahl
Beckenhorst Publishing
Korea Handbell Association – Conductor: Ms. Jeong Soon Park
This is My Father’s World arr. by Cathy Moklebust
Choristers Guild
Handbell Association of Hong Kong – Conductor: Ms. Emily Li
Luna by Sierra Tse
Jeffers Handbell Supply
Rehearsal Notes
As we look forward to gathering together to ring in a few short weeks in Nashville, we have received notes from a few of our conductors to help you with preparing the pieces. Rehearsal Notes can be DOWNLOADED HERE. There are notes from the conductor on how they will conduct the piece, but also some score corrections, so please read carefully and mark your music as needed.
For those planning ahead, the concert order (and rehearsal order throughout the event) will be as follows:
- Rays of Hope
- Mosaic: Folk Songs of Canada
- Island Song
- Friend of Mine
- Celebration for Bells
- Hope for Reconciliation
- This Is My Father’s World
- Luna
- Prisms
Clarification on Symposium Choir
The two main parts of the event are the Massed Rehearsals and the Workshops/Showcases. Symposium Choir is one of the Workshop options, though rehearsals will take place during all Workshop sessions. This is most similar to the Advanced Ringing Tracks offered at many Area Festivals or National Seminar. Symposium Choir is not auditioned, but is restricted to a maximum of 39 participants. Participation in Symposium Choir or the Workshops will not have any effect on the Massed Rehearsals.
Packing Considerations
- Pack comfortable shoes, as attendees will be standing in rehearsal for long periods of time.
- Plan to dress in layers, the convention center can vary in temperature.
- Pack concert attire for the final concert on Saturday. There is no one specific attire for all attendees, but instead each ensemble will typically wear what they would normally wear for performances.
- The Closing Banquet is typically formal attire.
Ad-Hoc Assignments
A spreadsheet with the assignments for the 8 ad-hoc ensembles can be DOWNLOADED HERE. Every attempt was made to keep families together in the same row, apologies if I missed someone. The ringing floor layout can be DOWNLOADED HERE.
As a reminder, all bells and all chimes up to at least C7 will be provided (we will do our best to also secure bells and chimes up to C8 for each row). Please plan on bringing mallets appropriate for your position, as well as a Sunshine cloth or similar cloth to wipe the bells down after each rehearsal. All of the equipment is borrowed and we want to be sure to return it in the same or better condition than it was lent to us!