Become a Sponsor

Handbell Musicians of America invites you to be part of the 20th International Handbell Symposium through sponsorship. Whether advertising in the printed program, underwriting a reception, or including an item in the registration bag, your support will help us to create a memorable experience for all those who attend this summer’s event in Nashville. Take a look at all of the options below and associated benefits. We can also customize sponsorship packages if there are specific benefits you are looking to obtain. For more information or to make your reservation, contact Linda Onorevole at 937-202-0208 or lonorevole@handbellmusicians.
You or your company will be the sponsor for a catered group meal for the College Ring-In participants. You will receive in-room signage, a half-page advertisement in the 20th International Handbell Symposium program book ($80 value), and recognition on the event website and social media platforms.
(2 available)
You create the message and provide the graphics and we’ll send on your behalf to all registered event attendees. Great for promoting a new product or service or inviting attendees to visit your booth or showcase! We will also provide you with a list of you who opened your email and clicked on included links so you can follow-up.
20th International Handbell Symposium program book advertising is available. Space reservations are due by June 1, and final artwork is due June 10. Print ad artwork should be in a hi-res PDF format.
- Full page (7” w x 10” h) – $180
- Half page (7” w x 4.75” h) – $80
- Quarter page (3.25″ w x 4.75″ h) – $65
- Eighth page (3.25” w x 2.25” h) – $50
Provide a flyer or other printed advertising piece to be included in attendee registration packets. Finished piece can be no larger than a standard 8.5” x 11” sheet Item Delivery deadline and instructions will be provided.
Contact Linda Onorevole at, 937-202-0208 to make your sponsorship reservation or create a customized package.
NOTE: If you wish to reserve a Community Plaza table, do not use the Vendor Registration link. These are reserved in the standard event registration process. Please go to the REGISTRATION OPTIONS page.